Oklahoma Winds

Another Mark on the Map

The new route for this trip allowed my map to fill with images. How exciting?!
So Oklahoma doesn’t have much to offer so I was hoping to get an iconic tornado in the distance photograph but my model, Nature, didn’t work with me. In fact, I did get a storm when I was camping out at Baxter Spring Kansas ( right on the edge of Oklahoma, Misourri and Kansas ). It was in the middle of the night, while I was sleeping, in the tent. Flat lands + water = waterbed when you’re camping. Not so much a good thing. I feel wind, second to twisters, is the next best iconic image to capture. While I was driving through, the clouds were showing off their creation of last nights downpour. This time, it was more about the sky than the land. Another way to capture wind is windmills – you see those things going crazy during tornados so I found one that was available for a photograph. It isn’t much but at least I have a few images that showcase what its like to drive through Oklahoma during the summer on a non-tornadic day.
When the Winds Sweep the Plains

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